If you've found this website you are in need of help. You are numb. Or perhaps your relationship is broken. You don't know what to do. Please don't live another day like this. You are worth so much more. There is a better way of living. If you've tried a million times on your own or even with another therapist and nothing has changed, then it is time to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

I believe therapy is the answer to any number of painful, stressful questions. Why? Because therapy helps you work through the pain, denial, and years of "junk." No pill is going to fix that for you. Those things are keeping you stuck. If you have been a victim of sexual, physical or emotional abuse, it can be very hard to heal on your own. I will be your guide and together, you can finally heal. I am not a silent therapist who won't offer you guidance, nor am I going to dominate the conversation. My style is collaborative, very supporting and results-driven. I don't think most people need to be in therapy forever. I want to help you get better and move on.

My TeleTherapy Services include:

Individual Therapy

Couples Therapy

Sex and Porn Addiction Treatment

Sex Therapy

Premarital Counseling

Betrayal Trauma

Sexual Abuse Trauma Recovery

Specialization in the LGBTQ community

Specialization in the kink community

I offer:

Techniques to Teach Healthy Sexuality
Evening and Weekend Sessions (Telehealth services only)

I offer counseling that teaches people specific skills to help improve their self esteem, recovery from betrayal, and learn how to be more comfortable with their sexuality. My practice focuses on creating your best self: mentally, physically, and sexually. Besides being a licensed therapist I also have my Master of Public Health with an Emphasis in Human Sexuality, so I am knowledgeable in many areas regarding sex and intimacy.

I am also an CSAT (Associate Sex Addiction Therapist) with experience treating those with porn and sex addiction and their partners. There is hope. Contact me via email, phone, or form